OD KAMNA DO SLIKE v enem letu

Še zdaj težko verjamem, kaj vse sem ustvarila v samo enem letu in pol. Kako so se razvijale moje stvaritve in JAZ, od tistega prvega porisanega kamna.

Slikam namreč MANDALE.

Pred letom in pol je nastala moja prva, zelo preprosta mandala. Na savskem prodniku. Čisto po naključju.

Srce – Mandala na kamnu

Čeprav naključij ni, vseeno pravim, da so moje mandale začele nastajati po naključju, pravzaprav iz čisto drugih vsebin. Šlo je za čas, ko nisem bila v dobri koži in v času večjih sprememb v mojem življenju. Takrat sem se odločila za poskus meditacije.

Prvič, ko sem meditirala za Savo, sem tam nabrala prelepe gladke prodnike in se šele doma domislila, da jih porišem z vzorcem mandale. Ti vzorci so me intuitivno pomirjali, opazila pa sem tudi kako srečno in umirjeno se počutim in kako samozdravitveno pravzaprav ves proces deluje. Učinek pa globok, meditativen.

Ravno ta čudovit kamen je nastal iz tistega obdobja.

Roža življenja – mandala na kamnu

Vmes sem izdelovala številne druge izdelke, vendar so me vzorci mandal redno spremljali s porisi na kamnih, keramičnih lončkih, vazah ipd., in na koncu pristala na slikarskih platnih večjih dimenzij.

Mandala na platnu 1x1m

Svoje mandale tudi razstavljam, večino pa jih poslikam po naročilu, saj najraje izdelujem čisto osebne mandale. Take, ki nosijo značilnosti osebe in ki so energetsko in barvno usklajene z osebo, prav tako osebno nalegajo z vzorcem. Pri taki mandali je pomembno človeka začutiti, saj odseva ravno to, kar oseba žari.

River house – mandala na platnu

Čeprav sem po profesiji iz farmacevtske stroke, je del moje srečne duše in energije v mandalah. In prehajanje te energije je vidno na vsaki ustvarjeni stvaritvi. In nazaj, na meni.

Jin Jang – mandala na platnu

V resnici nikoli nisem imela občutka, da sem za karkoli posebno nadarjena, namesto tega pa se je izkazalo, da je dovolj, da postaneš strokovnjak po svoji vsebini, če te nekaj tako zelo osrečuje, umirja in postavlja na višjo vibracijo. In to ni slikanje samo po sebi. To je strast do izražanja skozi slikanje.

Kam me pripeljejo vsa naslednja leta ustvarjanja ne vem, vem le, da se v meni rojevanjo nove in nove mandala ideje, v čisto novih oblikah, kar je temeljna manifestacija moje srčne biti.




Even at this moment, I have a hard time believing what I’ve created in just one year and a half. How my creations and especially ME have evolved since that first stone was painted.

I am painting MANDALAS.

My first, very simple mandala was created a year and a half ago, on the river pebble. Purely by coincidence.

Heart – Mandala on stone

Although there are no coincidences, I still say that my mandalas started to emerge by chance, in fact from completely different content. It was a time when I was not in good skin and at the time of major changes in my life. That was when I decided to try out meditation.

The first time I was meditating by the river, I gathered some beautiful smooth pebbles. I got an idea to paint them with mandala pattern. These patterns intuitively calmed me down, and I also noticed how happy and peaceful I felt. Not to mention how self-healing, deep and meditative actually this process affected me.

This beautiful stone was made at that period.

Flower of life – mandala on stone

In between, I painted many other products, but the mandala patterns were regularly accompanied on stones, ceramic pots, vases, etc., now I expanded drawing mandalas on larger-sized canvases.

Mandala on canvas 1×1 m

Today, I also exhibit my mandalas, but most of them are custom-made which is my specialty and my passion. Purely personal mandalas are those that have the characteristics of a person and are energetically and color-coordinated with the person. Pattern should also fit on personally. That is why it is important to feel the person for whom mandala is intended to, as it reflects exactly what this person glows.

River house mandala on canvas

Although I work professionally in pharmacy, a part of my happy soul and energy belongs to mandalas. And the passage of that energy is visible on every creation. And back, on me.

Yin Yang mandala on canvas

In fact, I’ve never felt that I was particularly talented for anything, but instead, it turned out to be enough to become an expert in its content, if something makes you so happy, calms you, or puts you in a higher vibration. And this is not painting in itself. It is a passion for expression through painting.

I look forward to each and every year as plenty of new ideas are about to be manifested.

Lovilec sanj

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Sem ena izmed tistih, ki verjame vanje. Ne samo v tiste smiselne, pa lepe, pa fantazijske, erotične, ampak tudi v tiste, ob katerih se nakrohotam, in tiste, ki mi sežejo do bistva in ob katerih mi gre na jok. Celo tiste, ki nimajo posebnega smisla in tiste, malce strašne. 

Moji lovilci ulovijo VSE; smisel in zmedo hkrati, zagotovo pa vse, kar mi koristi. Ulovijo tisto, kar potrebujem zase. Pravzaprav me ne zanima ali je vse res, ali pa je samo legenda v moji glavi, važno je, da mi služi.

Verjamem starim Indijancem, da so sanje povezane z božanskim.

Naš dom krasi kar nekaj hišnih lovilcev sanj. Balkonski lovilci za dnevne sanje in obiske, seveda jih imamo tudi nad posteljo in v otroški sobi. Vsak je narejen za posebno osebo, saj se tudi ljudje med seboj razlikujemo v sanjah, zato jih naj ne bi posojali.

Lovilci sanj so lep okras domu, saj prostoru dajejo mehkejši značaj, zaradi nežnega gibanja perja. Vedeti moramo, da lovilec sanj potrebuje prostor, da bi lahko sanje lepo prehajale skozenj, torej ne sme biti obešen ob steno ali omaro.

Stari Indijanci so verjeli, da se slabe sanje v mreži ujamejo, dobre pa prehajajo skozi sredinsko odprtino v človeka preko peres.

Lovilci sanj po legendi prinašajo dobre sanje, zdravje, energijo in moč za uresničitev svojih ciljev.

Cilji pa so tam, kjer so sanje večje od strahov.

Dream big, my friends!

Za podrobnejša navodila o izdelavi ali naročilo, se lahko obrnete name.

Dreamcatchers made by me.




I’m one of those who believe in dreams. Not only to those ones that make sense, are beautiful, fantasy, erotic, but also to those that make me laugh and cry and most of all, they bring me to my inner being. Even those dreams which don’t have a particular sense and are a bit scary.

My dream catchers catch everything: sense and confusion at the same time, but certainly everything that benefits me. They catch what I need for myself. Actually, I even don’t care whether anything is true, or it’s just a legend in my head, important is that it serves me. I believe the old Indians that dreams are related to the divinity.

Our home adorns quite a few house dreamcatchers. Balcony catchers for daily dreams and visits, of course, we also have them above the bed and in the children’s room. Each is made for a special person, since people also differ in their dreams, so that is why we shouldn’t lend them.

Due to gentle movement of feathers dreamcatchers are also beautiful as home decoration, because they give the room a softer character. 

We must know that the dreamcatcher needs space in order for a dream to pass through nicely, so it mustn’t be hanging against a wall or a wardrobe.

Old Indians believed that bad dreams are caught in the net, and good ones pass through the center aperture into the human body, through the feathers.

According to the legend, dreamcatchers bring good dreams, health, energy and strength to achieve all our goals.

And the goals are where dreams are greater than fears.

Dream big, my friends!

Dreamcatchers made by me.