
Mandala na skodelici

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Vsem tistim, ki radi pijemo kavo ali čaj, je vedno zanimivno opazovati s kakšno skodelico smo postreženi. Obračamo jo, preberemo besedilo ali pa nas nagovorijo podobe.

Tokrat je pred vami enostavna točkovna mandala porisana na skodelici za kavo. Jaz osebno jo bom uporabila kot vazico. Keramične skodelice za pitje se barva z barvami za keramiko, nato pa se jih še dodatno zapeče v pečici.

Tehnika točkovnega risanja mandal je tako prilagodljiva, da se je lahko postopimo na skorajda kateremkoli predmetu. Precej natančno in barvito kaže širjenje scentra v krožno ekspanzijo, kar naj bi beseda mandala pomenila, saj simbolizira univerzum.

Izbrala sem cvet, saj simbolizira naše življenje, obnovitev, preporod.

Ta tehnika je precej enostavna za začetnike. Potrebna je le osredotočenost, malce potrpežljivosti in ljubezni do tistega, komur je skodelica namenjena. Še posebno, če je namenjena nam samim.

Mandala on a Coffee Cup

For all those who like to drink coffee or tea, it’s always interesting to observe what kind of cup we are served in. We tend to turn it around, read the text or searching meaning in images.

This time I’m showing you a simple mandala dot technique drawn on a coffee cup.
Personally, I will use it as a vase. Please note that ceramic drinking cups are colored with ceramic colors, and are further on heated in the oven.

The dot drawing technique of mandala is so flexible that it can be applied to almost any object. It accurately and colorfully shows the spread from the center to the circular expansion, as mandala symbolizes the universe.

I chose a flower, symbolizing our life, renewal and revival.

This technique is quite easy for beginners. It only takes focus, a little patience and love for the one whom the cup is intended to. Especially if it is for ourselves.

Lovilec sanj

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Sem ena izmed tistih, ki verjame vanje. Ne samo v tiste smiselne, pa lepe, pa fantazijske, erotične, ampak tudi v tiste, ob katerih se nakrohotam, in tiste, ki mi sežejo do bistva in ob katerih mi gre na jok. Celo tiste, ki nimajo posebnega smisla in tiste, malce strašne. 

Moji lovilci ulovijo VSE; smisel in zmedo hkrati, zagotovo pa vse, kar mi koristi. Ulovijo tisto, kar potrebujem zase. Pravzaprav me ne zanima ali je vse res, ali pa je samo legenda v moji glavi, važno je, da mi služi.

Verjamem starim Indijancem, da so sanje povezane z božanskim.

Naš dom krasi kar nekaj hišnih lovilcev sanj. Balkonski lovilci za dnevne sanje in obiske, seveda jih imamo tudi nad posteljo in v otroški sobi. Vsak je narejen za posebno osebo, saj se tudi ljudje med seboj razlikujemo v sanjah, zato jih naj ne bi posojali.

Lovilci sanj so lep okras domu, saj prostoru dajejo mehkejši značaj, zaradi nežnega gibanja perja. Vedeti moramo, da lovilec sanj potrebuje prostor, da bi lahko sanje lepo prehajale skozenj, torej ne sme biti obešen ob steno ali omaro.

Stari Indijanci so verjeli, da se slabe sanje v mreži ujamejo, dobre pa prehajajo skozi sredinsko odprtino v človeka preko peres.

Lovilci sanj po legendi prinašajo dobre sanje, zdravje, energijo in moč za uresničitev svojih ciljev.

Cilji pa so tam, kjer so sanje večje od strahov.

Dream big, my friends!

Za podrobnejša navodila o izdelavi ali naročilo, se lahko obrnete name.

Dreamcatchers made by me.




I’m one of those who believe in dreams. Not only to those ones that make sense, are beautiful, fantasy, erotic, but also to those that make me laugh and cry and most of all, they bring me to my inner being. Even those dreams which don’t have a particular sense and are a bit scary.

My dream catchers catch everything: sense and confusion at the same time, but certainly everything that benefits me. They catch what I need for myself. Actually, I even don’t care whether anything is true, or it’s just a legend in my head, important is that it serves me. I believe the old Indians that dreams are related to the divinity.

Our home adorns quite a few house dreamcatchers. Balcony catchers for daily dreams and visits, of course, we also have them above the bed and in the children’s room. Each is made for a special person, since people also differ in their dreams, so that is why we shouldn’t lend them.

Due to gentle movement of feathers dreamcatchers are also beautiful as home decoration, because they give the room a softer character. 

We must know that the dreamcatcher needs space in order for a dream to pass through nicely, so it mustn’t be hanging against a wall or a wardrobe.

Old Indians believed that bad dreams are caught in the net, and good ones pass through the center aperture into the human body, through the feathers.

According to the legend, dreamcatchers bring good dreams, health, energy and strength to achieve all our goals.

And the goals are where dreams are greater than fears.

Dream big, my friends!

Dreamcatchers made by me.

Mandala na kamnu

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Ste se že kdaj poskusili umiriti ob mandalah? Gre za svojevrstno doživetje. To je zgodba o osredotočanju, o umirjanju, o poglobitvi v svoje notranje središče, predvsem pa imajo mandale globok meditativen učinek.

Moji prvi poskusi ustvarjanja mandal na kamne so se začeli prav ob najbolj nemirnih dnevih, ob zmešnjavi misli, ki tisti trenutek niso našle pravega mesta. To je čas, ko okolica lahko počaka.

Močno verjamem, da so kreativnost, umirjanje in osredotočanje tesno povezani. Kreativnost je eden izmed virov sproščanja in iskanja svobode. tris mandal jin jang.JPG

Risati sem jih začela čisto laično, zaradi lepega izgleda, geometričnih oblik, barvitosti,… Pridobila pa popolnoma druge razsežnosti. Risanje mandal prinese močno osredotočanje, globoko pomirja in dviguje pozitivno energijo ter občutek sreče in zadovoljstva.

Spodbuja samost, a ne osamljenost.

Opazovanje končnega izdelka prinaša mir in riše nasmeh na usta. Prav gotovo pa vsaka mandala posebej kaže stanje duha v tistem trenutku. modar utrinek, drevo mandala nova.jpg

Pravzaprav  že nabiranje prodnikov, iskanje primernih podlag je svojevrstno doživetje, saj se že ob opazovanju oblik, ustvarjajo zgodbe in rojevajo bodoče izrisane ideje.

Mandale na kamnih postavimo na vidno mesto, kamorkoli v domu, vrtu, terasi, balkonu…

Veliko sreče pri ustvarjanju!


Mandala Stones

Have you ever tried to find peace while watching or painting mandalas? It’s a very unique experience. It’s a about focusing and diving deep into your inner center. Most of all, painting mandalas has a strong meditative effect

When I started creating mandalas on stones, I was going through difficult period. My days were restless and my wandering thoughts couldn’t find the right place.

At times like that everything in outside world, can wait. I strongly believe that there is a strong connection between creativity, focusing and calming yourself. Creativity for human being is one of the sources of relaxing and searching for freedom.

tris mandal jin jang.JPG

I started painting mandalas because they look beautiful, they are colorful and because of the perfect geometric patterns. But what began as painting the stones led to a totally different dimensions. Drawing mandalas brings strong feelings of focusing, calms your restlessness and builds positive energy, feelings of happiness and pleasure.

It brings us to higher state of being alone, not to loneliness.

modar utrinek, drevo mandala nova.jpg

Admiring mandalas at the end of painting process brings peace and smile on your face. I believe that each mandala shows the state of mind of certain moment when it was created.

Actually, the process of painting mandalas begins with going to the nature and searching the right shape and size of stones. Each stone tells different story and is inspiration for different painting ideas.

Mandala stones looks perfect in every corner of your place, on the balcony, terrace or garden…

I wish you good luck with creating your very own mandala stones!