
Mandala na platnu

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Vsak, ki se je kdaj lotil ustvarjanja mandal, v kakršnikoli tehniki, je bistvo mandal dojel šele, ko se je lotil risanja. Gre se za nenavaden učinek na psiho.

Ne da bi vedela za globok pomen mandal, sem jih začela risati, ker so mi zdele preprosto estetske, po drugi strani pa so me vzorci iz središča inuitivno pomirjali.

Kmalu zatem mi je postalo jasno, za tako ‘delo’ potrebujem, mir, čas in veliko potrpljenja. Še malce kasneje pa, da to sploh ni hec; da gre za proces iz globine. Za osredotočanje in nenavaden občutek miru, za domišljijo, barvitost, izraznost stanja iz podzavesti.

Opazila sem tudi kako srečno in umirjeno se počutim ob risanju mandal in kako samozdravitveno pravzaprav ves proces deluje. Učinek pa globok, meditativen, notranji stik s samim sabo.

Kasneje sem začela prebirati literaturo na to temo in presenečena ugotovila, da so vsi moji doživljaji ob ustvarjanju mandal, znani že stoletja. Da so središčni krogi, ki se širijo v neskončno v nekem zaporedju, simbol centra, kamor se vsi vedno vračamo in od koder smo prišli. Iz točke, iz stvarstva; V mir, v ljubezen, v resnično.

Ne vem zakaj sem izbrala ravno tehniko točkovnega risanja, mogoče zaradi estetike, vem le to, da mi vzbuja občutke o katerih so pričale že stare kulture. In lep dokaz, da smo vsi povezani, da smo eno. Da je tisto, kamor se vedno vračamo, v središče nas samih.


Mandala on canvas

Anyone who ever created mandala in any kind technique, didn’t understand the essence of mandalas until he or she began to draw it. I’m talking about unusual psychic effect.

Without knowing the deep significance of mandalas, I started to draw them because they seemed simply aesthetic; on the other hand, the patterns from the center intuitively made me calmed down.

Soon after, it became clear to me that I needed such a ‘work’, peace, time and a lot of patience. A little later, however, I noticed that this could be something greater; the process from the depth. It was about the focus and an unusual sense of peace, imagination, colorfulness, expressiveness of the condition from the subconscious.

This state was deep; meditative I would even say.

I also noticed how happy and calmed I felt drawing mandalas and how self-healing actually the whole process works.

Later, I started to read literature on this topic and found out that all my experiences were at the creation of mandala, known for centuries. That the central circles, which are spreading in infinite in a sequence, are the symbol of the center where we all are always returning and from where we came from. From the center point, from divinity – To peace, to love and to what it’s real.

I don’t know why I chose the exact technique of dot drawing mandalas, perhaps because of aesthetics. I only know that it raises my feelings as the old cultures also spoke about. Which proves that we are all connected, that we are one. It’s where we always return, to the center of ourselves.

4 letni časi na porcelanu

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»Aha, torej slikaš na porcelan? Na kakšne kose porcelana pa? Veš, jaz imam doma cel set čisto belih skodelic, zraven pa še sladkornico in vrček za mleko. Moja hči se ukvarja z dietetiko, sprejema stranke, jim svetuje…pa sem dobila fenomenalno idejo! Zelo lepo bi bilo ljudem postreči v unikatnih in ličnih skodelicah. Bi mi jih porisala? To bi bilo čudovito presenečenje za hči!«

Beseda da besedo in bili sva zmenjeni.

Naslednjič dobim škatlo, polno belega porcelana s setom dvanajstih skodelic.

Nekaj časa razmišljam kakšno temo bi izbrala, pa je bila naročnica navdušena nad poslikavo rastlin, kot nekakšen simbol zdravja vzetega iz narave. Lončke sem razdelila na štiri letne čase in se lotila poslikave.

Nastala je prelepa unikatna kolekcija skodelic z odlagalnim podstavkom za žličke in čajne vrečke. Tema povezuje naravo, kot vir zdravja; barvitost kot veder, radosten način življenja; sonce ter cvetoče drevo kot simbol moči in volje.

Vsebinsko se kolekcija čudovito ujema s konceptom dietetičnega svetovanja in ljubezni do svojega telesa, ki ga nudi Katja Simić, Dietetik priporoča:

Lepo je nekomu postreči v posebni skodelici, ki nagovori še predno se okusi njena vsebina.


4 Seasons on porcelain

»Oh, so you’re painting on porcelain? What kind of porcelain pieces are you using for painting? You know, I have a whole set of pure white cups at home, plus sugarcane and milk jar. My daughter is a professional dietetic, she accepts clients, gives counseing, recepies etc. I’ve got a phenomenal idea! It would be very nice to serve people in unique and personal cups. Would you paint them if I bring the whole set? This would be a wonderful surprise for my daughter!«

A deal was done.

Next time I got a box full of porcelain with a set of twelve cups.

I’ve been thinking about what kind of theme I would choose, but the lady was impressed with the fact that plants and nature were kind of symbol of health. I split pots on four seasons and started painting.

A beautiful unique collection of cups with tiny plates for teaspoons and tea bags was made. The theme links nature as a source of health; coloring as a clear, joyful way of life; the sun and flowering tree as a symbol of power and will.

The content of painted porcelain collection beautifully matches with the concept of dietary counseling by Katja Simić, Dietetik priporoča:

It’s nice to serve in a special cup, which speaks even before tasting its content.

Pomlad na porcelanu

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Živim v državi, kjer se letni časi menjavajo; kjer se narava spreminja v vsej njeni lepoti. Vsakič znova nas opozarja, da je vse okoli nas minljivo. Vsak ciklus znova nas čudi nad spremembami in zmožnostjo obnovitve.

Naravo jeseni ne skrbi izguba listja, uvelih cvetov ali propadlih stebel. Ve, da kmalu pride čas v katerem še lepše zasije. Ve, da požene še globje korenine, da se ozeleni s še gostejšimi listi in nastavi še enkrat več cvetnih popkov.

Na nežen način nam kaže kako potrebne so spremembe za naš obstoj in razvoj, v fizičnem in duhovnem smislu.

Lep opomnik, kako čudovita je lahko sprememba, je prav gotovo pomlad.

Prav tej temi je namenjena tudi moja tokratna unikatna ročna poslikava na porcelanu. Naravi in živosti v njej.


Spring on porcelain

I live in a country where the seasons are changing; where nature changes in all its beauty. It reminds us every time that everything around us is passing. Each cycle again astonishes us with changes and the ability to recover.

The loss of leaves from trees, withered flowers or fallen stems … and the nature doesn’t even worry. Everytime comes the moment, when nature shines again even more beautifully. It strikes deeper roots, produces thicker leaves and creates even more flower buds.

In a gentle way it shows us that changes are necessary for our existence and development, in physical and spiritual terms.

Spring is a nice reminder of how wonderful a change can be.

My present unique handmade painting on porcelain is dedicated to this particular theme. To nature and life in it.

Pladenj z blazinico za užitkarje

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Prvega sem kupila. Po dveh letih pa smo se že vsi grebli zanj. In ko sem bila na tem, da kupim novega, se je vsula kopica želja, kakšnega bi izbrali. Takrat sem dobila idejo, da pladenj z blazinico izdelam kar sama. Po naših zamislih.

Tile pladnji so luštna potuha za običajno sedenje za mizo. Govorim o zajtrku v postelji, kofetkanju ali čajčkanju na kavču, na terasi, balkonu, tudi na vrt ga lahko odnesete. Prav lepo gre zraven h grickanju čipsa in oreščkov pred televizorjem. Meni se največkrat obnese kot podstavek za laptop na balkonu ali kavču. Nekoč pa sem nekoga z laptopom na takem pladnju, videla tudi na letalu.

Pladnji so precej stabilni. Blazinica se prav lepo prilega nogam v naročju, pravzaprav se prilega na večino podlag, saj je polnjena s stiropornimi kroglicami.

Lahko se jih izdela s osebnim sporočilom, rekom ali podobo, še posebno, če ga izdelate za darilo.

Prav veliko dela z njim ni; rabite le malo spretnosti v šivanju, okvir in steklo (30×40 cm) lahko kupite, pod steklo pa postavite list papirja s svojim sporočilom ali sliko.

Veliko brezskrbnih užitkov!

Serving Pillow Tray for Hedonists

I bought the first one.  After two years we were all fighting for it. When I was about to buy a new one, a whole set of wishes came out. At that time, I got the idea to make tray with a pillow myself, according to our ideas and wishes.

These trays are sweet substitution for a normal sitting in front of the table. I’m talking about breakfast in bed, drinking coffee & tea on a couch, terrace, balcony… You can even take it on the garden. Enjoyfull moments can be spent having snack in front of the TV, as well. Most often I use it as a laptop base on the balcony or sofa. Once I saw someone on the plane with a laptop on such a tray.

The pillow fits nicely on a lap, it actually fits on most of bases as it’s filled with styrofoam balls. That’s why tray remains stable.

Serving trays can be made with a personal message, quote or image, especially if it is made for a gift.

There is not much work with creating them by yourself; you only need a little sewing skills. Buy a frame fitting covering glass (30×40 cm) and place a sheet of paper under the glass with your message or picture.

Wishing you enjoyfull, carefree moments!