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En izmed najbolj navdihujočih načinov sproščanja in dvigovanja lastne energije je IZDELOVANJE MANDAL v skupini. Posebnost skupine ni samo več ljudi na kupu, ampak je smisel povezanost in spodbuda med seboj, tudi med samim procesom ustvarjanja.
Pomislite kako vas dvigujejo ljudje, ki počnejo stvari z istim elanom kot vi. Taka skupina je navdih že sama po sebi. Taka skupina daje občutek topline, da to kar si in kar počneš ima smisel.
Ko k taki skupini dodaš še platno, barve in srčno mentoriranje pri izdelavi prve mandale, se prav vsakič sprostijo ogromne količine energije sreče in navdiha.
Prav nihče v tem trenutku ne pomisli na tegobe vsakdanjika, na stres in bolečino. To je čas, ko se tiho prikrade mir. Trenutki pri zatopljenosti v svojo kreacijo, v svoj fokus, v lepoto procesa nastajanja mandale se zasveti najlepša oblika čuječnosti. Prisotnosti v tem trenutku.
Ko na svojih delavnicah dosežem med tečajniki tak nivo, sem tudi jaz kot moderatorka dosegla največ. Namreč, smisel delavnic ni najlepša mandala, temveč uživanje in vživljanje med procesom. Smisel je dvig energije, osredotočenost, odpiranje srca, sproščanje in topel občutek, navdušenost, povezanost in sprejetost SKOZI ustvarjanje.
Meni osebno so take delavnice v zelo majhnih krogih, poseben vir navdiha. Prav vsako tečajnico lahko čutim, se z njo povežem, vidim skozi njene oči vso lepoto, ki jo podaja na platno. Fascinantno je doživljanje človeka skozi barve, ki jih izbira za svojo mandalo. Na nek subtilni način se kaže temperament posameznika. In prav vse so posebne, neverjetne in unikatne.
Moje zlate tečajnice na koncu presenečeno občudujejo svoj mandala produkt in vejo, da je ravno PROCES bistvo ustvarjanja, dobra tehnika pa samo posledica števila ponovitev.
Srčno vabljeni na to mandala izkušnjo!
MANDALA WORKSHOP with Tina Šnuderl
One of the most inspiring ways to release and raise your own energy is WORKSHOP FOR CREATING MANDALAS in a group. The specialty of the group is not only more people grouping together, but the meaning is the connection and encouragement from each other during the creation process.
Think about how you feel inspired by the people who do things with the same passion as you. Such group is an inspiration itself. Such a group gives you feeling of warmth that what you are and what you do makes sense.
When you add canvas, colours and warm mentoring to such a group, huge amounts of energy of happiness is released.
At this moment, no one thinks about the problems of everyday life, stress and pain. This is the time when peace quietly comes in your souls and moments of immersion in your creation. The focus. The beauty of the process of creating mandala is the most beautiful form of mindfulness. Presence in this moment.
When I, as a mentor, reach such a level among the students in my workshops, I also achieve the most. Namely, the meaning of workshops is not the most beautiful mandala in the end, but enjoyment during the process. The meaning is to raise energy, focus, opening your heart, relaxing and feeling warm, enthusiastic, feeling connected and accepted THROUGH CREATION process.
Such workshops in very small groups are a special source of inspiration for me. I can feel every student connecting, I can see through their eyes all the beauty he or she puts on the canvas. It is subtle experience how the temperament of the individual is shown through chosen colours and patterns. And they are all special, amazing and unique.
In the end, my precious students are amazed over their mandala products. They know that the PROCESS is the essence of creating, and good technique is only the result of the number of repetitions.
Welcome on mandala journey!