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En izmed najbolj navdihujočih načinov sproščanja in dvigovanja lastne energije je IZDELOVANJE MANDAL v skupini. Posebnost skupine ni samo več ljudi na kupu, ampak je smisel povezanost in spodbuda med seboj, tudi med samim procesom ustvarjanja.

Pomislite kako vas dvigujejo ljudje, ki počnejo stvari z istim elanom kot vi. Taka skupina je navdih že sama po sebi. Taka skupina daje občutek topline, da to kar si in kar počneš ima smisel.

Ko k taki skupini dodaš še platno, barve in srčno mentoriranje pri izdelavi prve mandale, se prav vsakič sprostijo ogromne količine energije sreče in navdiha.

Prav nihče v tem trenutku ne pomisli na tegobe vsakdanjika, na stres in bolečino. To je čas, ko se tiho prikrade mir. Trenutki pri zatopljenosti v svojo kreacijo, v svoj fokus, v lepoto procesa nastajanja mandale se zasveti najlepša oblika čuječnosti. Prisotnosti v tem trenutku.


Ko na svojih delavnicah dosežem med tečajniki tak nivo, sem tudi jaz kot moderatorka dosegla največ. Namreč, smisel delavnic ni najlepša mandala, temveč uživanje in vživljanje med procesom. Smisel je dvig energije, osredotočenost, odpiranje srca, sproščanje in topel občutek, navdušenost, povezanost in sprejetost SKOZI ustvarjanje.

Meni osebno so take delavnice v zelo majhnih krogih, poseben vir navdiha. Prav vsako tečajnico lahko čutim, se z njo povežem, vidim skozi njene oči vso lepoto, ki jo podaja na platno. Fascinantno je doživljanje človeka skozi barve, ki jih izbira za svojo mandalo. Na nek subtilni način se kaže temperament posameznika. In prav vse so posebne, neverjetne in unikatne.

Moje zlate tečajnice na koncu presenečeno občudujejo svoj mandala produkt in vejo, da je ravno PROCES bistvo ustvarjanja, dobra tehnika pa samo posledica števila ponovitev.

Srčno vabljeni na to mandala izkušnjo!


MANDALA WORKSHOP with Tina Šnuderl

One of the most inspiring ways to release and raise your own energy is WORKSHOP FOR CREATING MANDALAS in a group. The specialty of the group is not only more people grouping together, but the meaning is the connection and encouragement from each other during the creation process.

Think about how you feel inspired by the people who do things with the same passion as you. Such group is an inspiration itself. Such a group gives you feeling of warmth that what you are and what you do makes sense.

When you add canvas, colours and warm mentoring to such a group, huge amounts of energy of happiness is released.

At this moment, no one thinks about the problems of everyday life, stress and pain. This is the time when peace quietly comes in your souls and moments of immersion in your creation. The focus. The beauty of the process of creating mandala is the most beautiful form of mindfulness. Presence in this moment.


When I, as a mentor, reach such a level among the students in my workshops, I also achieve the most. Namely, the meaning of workshops is not the most beautiful mandala in the end, but enjoyment during the process. The meaning is to raise energy, focus, opening your heart, relaxing and feeling warm, enthusiastic, feeling connected and accepted THROUGH CREATION process.

Such workshops in very small groups are a special source of inspiration for me. I can feel every student connecting, I can see through their eyes all the beauty he or she puts on the canvas. It is subtle experience how the temperament of the individual is shown through chosen colours and patterns. And they are all special, amazing and unique.

In the end, my precious students are amazed over their mandala products. They know that the PROCESS is the essence of creating, and good technique is only the result of the number of repetitions.

Welcome on mandala journey!

Kako nastanejo personalizirane mandale

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Osebne mandale so daleč najlepša in najmočnejša stvar, ki jih delam z vsem zanosom in strastjo. Ta povezava s človekom mi na ogromno nivojih dostavi celo kopico občutkov, ki jih strnim v ustvarjalno delo. Taka mandala odseva detajle iz posameznikvega življenja, strasti in vrednot, ki jih nanizam v stvaritev.

Namenoma ne bom razlagala o spiritualizmu mandal, ampak bolj o procesu in subtilinh elementih ustvarjanja.

Ko mi oseba naroči mandalo v izdelavo, je pomembno, da jo potipam po stvareh, ki so mu najljubše in mu polnijo dušo ter srce. Ali je to narava, družina, živali, potovanja, gore, hobiji, morje, letni časi, poslanstvo… in namen. Skratka, ta ljubezen do nečesa ali koga.

Nekateri si želijo mandalo za prostor, ki ne odseva toliko simbolike ene osebe, pač pa prostoru da pečat. Nekateri si želijo družinsko mandalo, ki obogati tako energetsko, kot estetsko.

Povprašam še po barvah, ki najbolj resonirajo z osebo in pa tistih najmanj ljubih. Moje vprašanje je tudi, ali bi izbrali zlato ali srebrno. Tudi to je zelo dober podatek, na bolj subtilnem nivoju.

Izbira barv

Zelo pomembno, če ne nujno potrebno, je začutiti posameznikovo energijo. Že z načinom, kako izraža stvari, ki so mu ljube, se sprosti ogromno energije, ki jo ujamem. Oseba takrat dobesedno žari, ko pripoveduje, zato je tako stanje zaželjeno.

To je tisto kar zaznam in je ključno za izdelavo čisto osebne mandale.

Sledijo še tehnične specifike in nato se lotim dela.

Držim se osnovnih naslednjih načel:

  1. Pri izdelavi mandal ne hitim
  2. Povezujem se z energijo osebe
  3. Poslušam navdihujočo glasbo, ki ni njuno, da je meditativna
  4. Mandalo ustvarjam, dokler uživam v procesu. Če ta občutek mine, jo odložim za prihodnjič
  5. Zaznam kako vame prihaja ljubezen, svetloba, sreča, napolnjenost
  6. Zaznam kako mi duša igra
  7. Imam mir v prostoru
  8. Začutim notranji mir
  9. Nikoli ne razmišljam o stvareh, ki jih moram opraviti
  10. Sem v trenutku
  11. Slikam večkrat po malo
  12. Vse tehnične napake pri slikanju se dajo popravit
  13. Ne brskam po telefonu


Nit je bila povezava štirih najmočnejših komponent te osebe. Ponazorila sem jih torej v štirih barvah, ki se ciklično držijo ena druge.

Rdeča pooseblja njegovo srce in strast, modra gore in nebo, zelena naravo in kmetijo, zlata pa njegovo strast do poezije. Vse barve se med seboj povezujejo, z barvnimi pikami v centru vsake posamezne barve, kar predstavlja življenjski cikel.
V vseh zlatih viticah so na koncih skriti simboli z osebnim pomenom.
Celo mandalo obkroža nebesni svod, njegovo vesolje.
Mandala je izdelana kot življenjski kompas, kot notranja navigacija, sploh če jo obrneš tako, da bele pike v vrsti kažejo smeri neba.
Zanimivo je, da vzorec nakazuje tudi metulja in letne čase, kar je opazil tudi novi lastnik.
Mandala bo na steni visela vsakič drugače, saj se jo lahko zasuka za 45° v kateremkoli položaju, glede na počutje.



Personal mandalas are by far the most beautiful and powerful thing I do with all my enthusiasm and passion. This connection with a person on a huge level gives me a whole bunch of feelings, which I summarize in creative work. Such mandala reflects details of an individual’s life, passion, and values. All this I string into creation.

Intentionally I will not explain about the spiritualism of mandalas, but more about the process and subtle elements of creation.

When a person orders a mandala, it is important to feel things that are her/his favorite in life. To connect with her/his soul and heart. Favorite things could be nature, family, animals, traveling, mountains, hobbies, seas, seasons, her/his life mission… and the purpose. In short, the love for something or someone.

Some wish mandala for their home or office space, which does not reflect so much the symbolism of one person, but gives the space special note. Some order family mandala that enriches both energetically and aesthetically.

I also ask about the colors that resonate the most with the person, and the ones that are least loved colors. My question is also whether to choose gold or silver color. This is also very good information, on a more subtle level.

The process of selecting colors

It is very important, if not absolutely necessary, to feel the individual’s energy. Just by the way he expresses things she/he loves, a huge amount of energy is released. A person literally glows when telling a story, so such a state is desirable.

This is what I perceive and is the key to making an exclusive personal mandala.

We also agree to technical specifics and then I get to work.

I stick to the following basic principles:

  1. I don’t rush when making mandalas
  2. I connect with a person’s energy
  3. I listen to inspiring music. Not necessary to be meditative
  4. I create mandala as long as I enjoy the process. If that feeling goes away, I put it off for next time
  5. I feel love, light, happiness, fullness coming into me
  6. I sense my soul singing
  7. I have peace in workspace
  8. I feel inner peace
  9. I never think about the things I have to do
  10. I am in the present moment
  11. I paint step by step, little by little
  12. All technical errors in painting can be corrected
  13. I don’t browse the phone while painting


The aim was the connection of this person’s four strongest components. So I illustrated them in four colors that stick to each other cyclically.

Red embodies his heart and passion, blue the mountains and the sky, green nature and the farm, and gold his passion for poetry. All colors are interconnected, which illustrates his life, with colored dots in the center of each individual color.
In all the golden swirls are hidden symbols with personal meaning. Mandala surrounds represent sky full of stars, so his universe.

It is also made as a life compass, as an internal navigation, especially if you turn it so that the white dots in a row indicate the direction of the sky. Interestingly, the pattern also suggests a butterfly and all 4 seasons, which was also noticed by the new owner.
Mandala will hang on the wall differently each time, as it can be rotated 45 ° in any position, depending on how you feel.

Dežniki z unikatnim mandala porisom

Nekoč je živel črn dežnik.

Ker je bil vedno zadnja izbira, se je nekega dne odločil za korenito spremembo v svojem, v stojalu ždečem, življenju. Naročil se je na posvet in složno ugotoviva, da mu lahko pomagam pri njegovi težavi.
Odločil se je za zlat permanentni make-up z unikatno mandalo. Menil je, da mu bo dala zanosa in energije.
Tako je črni dežnik postal zlata marela. Elegantna in sijoča MANDALA marela. Vam povem, da je vsa prerojena in srečna, ko čuti, da je sedaj prva izbira. Precej je tudi važna.

Nauk zgodbe: nismo ustvarjeni, da ždimo, ustvarjeni smo, da žarimo.

Mandala dežnik – unikatni srebrni poris


Umbrellas painted with mandala motive

Once upon a time there was a black umbrella.

Since black umbrella was always the last choice, one day it decided to make a radical change in it’s lonely life. It booked a consultation and we found out that I could help him with it’s problem.
Black umbrella decided to take a golden permanent make-up with a unique mandala drawing. It thought it would give it some enthusiasm and energy.
Soon after the black umbrella became the golden one. Elegant and shiny MANDALA umbrella. I can tell you that it is all reborn and happy. It knows and feels as a first choice now. It also feels quite important.

Lesson of the story: we are not created to sit still hopelessly. We are created to grow and glow.

Mandala umbrella- unique silver drawing

Mandale – podzavestna terapija in meditacija

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Rada imam dobre ljudi. Zares navdihuje pa me energija in posebnost vseh živih bitij. Noro mi je zavedanje, da nam je skupen isti izvor in mesto na Zemlji. Ko sem iskala svoj dušni izvor, niti nisem vedela, da ga iščem, le manjkalo mi je občutka sreče in izpolnjenosti. Tako sem nekoč na obrežju Save, našla lep prodnik in ga porisala s svojim prvim izvorom – središčno piko sredi kamna.

Čakre Mandala – akril na platno

Od takrat naprej, me je pot odpeljala v svet MANDAL.

Poglobila sem se v strastno upodabljanje mandal, kar je bila takrat moja podzavestna terapija in meditacija. Danes pa so moje mandale moja motivacija in strast na večih nivojih. Najraje slikam osebne mandale. Slikam jih v kombinaciji mnogih kontrastnih barv, kakor me navdihuje energija osebe ali sporočilna vrednost. Mandale so simbol notranjega, osrediščenega miru, meditativnega stanja in ljubezni❤

Prinašajo tako energijo, kot umirjenost skozi središčnega širjenja navzven, kar predstavlja naš izvor in kamor se vedno znova vračamo. V ljubezen in edinstvene, resnične nas.


Mandalas – subconscious therapy and meditation

I like good people. I am really inspired by the energy and uniqueness of all living beings.
I am fascinated over the fact that we share the same origin and place on Earth.
When I was looking for my soul source, I didn’t even know I was looking for it, I just lacked a sense of happiness and fulfillment.
So I once found a beautiful pebble on the bank of the Sava river and drew it with a central dot in the middle of the stone.

Chakras Mandala – Acrylic painting on Canvas

From then on, the path took me to the world of MANDAL.

I dived into the passionate depiction of mandalas, which was my subconscious therapy and meditation at the time.

Today, however, my mandalas are my motivation and passion on many levels.
I like to paint personal mandalas. I paint them in a combination of many contrasting colors, as I am inspired by a person’s energy or message value.
Mandalas are a symbol of inner, centered peace, meditative state and love❤

They bring both, energy and serenity through central outward expansion, which represents our origin and to which we return again and again. In love and unique, real us.


OD KAMNA DO SLIKE v enem letu

Še zdaj težko verjamem, kaj vse sem ustvarila v samo enem letu in pol. Kako so se razvijale moje stvaritve in JAZ, od tistega prvega porisanega kamna.

Slikam namreč MANDALE.

Pred letom in pol je nastala moja prva, zelo preprosta mandala. Na savskem prodniku. Čisto po naključju.

Srce – Mandala na kamnu

Čeprav naključij ni, vseeno pravim, da so moje mandale začele nastajati po naključju, pravzaprav iz čisto drugih vsebin. Šlo je za čas, ko nisem bila v dobri koži in v času večjih sprememb v mojem življenju. Takrat sem se odločila za poskus meditacije.

Prvič, ko sem meditirala za Savo, sem tam nabrala prelepe gladke prodnike in se šele doma domislila, da jih porišem z vzorcem mandale. Ti vzorci so me intuitivno pomirjali, opazila pa sem tudi kako srečno in umirjeno se počutim in kako samozdravitveno pravzaprav ves proces deluje. Učinek pa globok, meditativen.

Ravno ta čudovit kamen je nastal iz tistega obdobja.

Roža življenja – mandala na kamnu

Vmes sem izdelovala številne druge izdelke, vendar so me vzorci mandal redno spremljali s porisi na kamnih, keramičnih lončkih, vazah ipd., in na koncu pristala na slikarskih platnih večjih dimenzij.

Mandala na platnu 1x1m

Svoje mandale tudi razstavljam, večino pa jih poslikam po naročilu, saj najraje izdelujem čisto osebne mandale. Take, ki nosijo značilnosti osebe in ki so energetsko in barvno usklajene z osebo, prav tako osebno nalegajo z vzorcem. Pri taki mandali je pomembno človeka začutiti, saj odseva ravno to, kar oseba žari.

River house – mandala na platnu

Čeprav sem po profesiji iz farmacevtske stroke, je del moje srečne duše in energije v mandalah. In prehajanje te energije je vidno na vsaki ustvarjeni stvaritvi. In nazaj, na meni.

Jin Jang – mandala na platnu

V resnici nikoli nisem imela občutka, da sem za karkoli posebno nadarjena, namesto tega pa se je izkazalo, da je dovolj, da postaneš strokovnjak po svoji vsebini, če te nekaj tako zelo osrečuje, umirja in postavlja na višjo vibracijo. In to ni slikanje samo po sebi. To je strast do izražanja skozi slikanje.

Kam me pripeljejo vsa naslednja leta ustvarjanja ne vem, vem le, da se v meni rojevanjo nove in nove mandala ideje, v čisto novih oblikah, kar je temeljna manifestacija moje srčne biti.




Even at this moment, I have a hard time believing what I’ve created in just one year and a half. How my creations and especially ME have evolved since that first stone was painted.

I am painting MANDALAS.

My first, very simple mandala was created a year and a half ago, on the river pebble. Purely by coincidence.

Heart – Mandala on stone

Although there are no coincidences, I still say that my mandalas started to emerge by chance, in fact from completely different content. It was a time when I was not in good skin and at the time of major changes in my life. That was when I decided to try out meditation.

The first time I was meditating by the river, I gathered some beautiful smooth pebbles. I got an idea to paint them with mandala pattern. These patterns intuitively calmed me down, and I also noticed how happy and peaceful I felt. Not to mention how self-healing, deep and meditative actually this process affected me.

This beautiful stone was made at that period.

Flower of life – mandala on stone

In between, I painted many other products, but the mandala patterns were regularly accompanied on stones, ceramic pots, vases, etc., now I expanded drawing mandalas on larger-sized canvases.

Mandala on canvas 1×1 m

Today, I also exhibit my mandalas, but most of them are custom-made which is my specialty and my passion. Purely personal mandalas are those that have the characteristics of a person and are energetically and color-coordinated with the person. Pattern should also fit on personally. That is why it is important to feel the person for whom mandala is intended to, as it reflects exactly what this person glows.

River house mandala on canvas

Although I work professionally in pharmacy, a part of my happy soul and energy belongs to mandalas. And the passage of that energy is visible on every creation. And back, on me.

Yin Yang mandala on canvas

In fact, I’ve never felt that I was particularly talented for anything, but instead, it turned out to be enough to become an expert in its content, if something makes you so happy, calms you, or puts you in a higher vibration. And this is not painting in itself. It is a passion for expression through painting.

I look forward to each and every year as plenty of new ideas are about to be manifested.