Nekoč je živel črn dežnik.
Ker je bil vedno zadnja izbira, se je nekega dne odločil za korenito spremembo v svojem, v stojalu ždečem, življenju. Naročil se je na posvet in složno ugotoviva, da mu lahko pomagam pri njegovi težavi.
Odločil se je za zlat permanentni make-up z unikatno mandalo. Menil je, da mu bo dala zanosa in energije.
Tako je črni dežnik postal zlata marela. Elegantna in sijoča MANDALA marela. Vam povem, da je vsa prerojena in srečna, ko čuti, da je sedaj prva izbira. Precej je tudi važna.
Nauk zgodbe: nismo ustvarjeni, da ždimo, ustvarjeni smo, da žarimo.
Umbrellas painted with mandala motive
Once upon a time there was a black umbrella.
Since black umbrella was always the last choice, one day it decided to make a radical change in it’s lonely life. It booked a consultation and we found out that I could help him with it’s problem.
Black umbrella decided to take a golden permanent make-up with a unique mandala drawing. It thought it would give it some enthusiasm and energy.
Soon after the black umbrella became the golden one. Elegant and shiny MANDALA umbrella. I can tell you that it is all reborn and happy. It knows and feels as a first choice now. It also feels quite important.
Lesson of the story: we are not created to sit still hopelessly. We are created to grow and glow.