Pomlad na porcelanu

For English scroll down

Živim v državi, kjer se letni časi menjavajo; kjer se narava spreminja v vsej njeni lepoti. Vsakič znova nas opozarja, da je vse okoli nas minljivo. Vsak ciklus znova nas čudi nad spremembami in zmožnostjo obnovitve.

Naravo jeseni ne skrbi izguba listja, uvelih cvetov ali propadlih stebel. Ve, da kmalu pride čas v katerem še lepše zasije. Ve, da požene še globje korenine, da se ozeleni s še gostejšimi listi in nastavi še enkrat več cvetnih popkov.

Na nežen način nam kaže kako potrebne so spremembe za naš obstoj in razvoj, v fizičnem in duhovnem smislu.

Lep opomnik, kako čudovita je lahko sprememba, je prav gotovo pomlad.

Prav tej temi je namenjena tudi moja tokratna unikatna ročna poslikava na porcelanu. Naravi in živosti v njej.


Spring on porcelain

I live in a country where the seasons are changing; where nature changes in all its beauty. It reminds us every time that everything around us is passing. Each cycle again astonishes us with changes and the ability to recover.

The loss of leaves from trees, withered flowers or fallen stems … and the nature doesn’t even worry. Everytime comes the moment, when nature shines again even more beautifully. It strikes deeper roots, produces thicker leaves and creates even more flower buds.

In a gentle way it shows us that changes are necessary for our existence and development, in physical and spiritual terms.

Spring is a nice reminder of how wonderful a change can be.

My present unique handmade painting on porcelain is dedicated to this particular theme. To nature and life in it.

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