Kako nastanejo personalizirane mandale

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Osebne mandale so daleč najlepša in najmočnejša stvar, ki jih delam z vsem zanosom in strastjo. Ta povezava s človekom mi na ogromno nivojih dostavi celo kopico občutkov, ki jih strnim v ustvarjalno delo. Taka mandala odseva detajle iz posameznikvega življenja, strasti in vrednot, ki jih nanizam v stvaritev.

Namenoma ne bom razlagala o spiritualizmu mandal, ampak bolj o procesu in subtilinh elementih ustvarjanja.

Ko mi oseba naroči mandalo v izdelavo, je pomembno, da jo potipam po stvareh, ki so mu najljubše in mu polnijo dušo ter srce. Ali je to narava, družina, živali, potovanja, gore, hobiji, morje, letni časi, poslanstvo… in namen. Skratka, ta ljubezen do nečesa ali koga.

Nekateri si želijo mandalo za prostor, ki ne odseva toliko simbolike ene osebe, pač pa prostoru da pečat. Nekateri si želijo družinsko mandalo, ki obogati tako energetsko, kot estetsko.

Povprašam še po barvah, ki najbolj resonirajo z osebo in pa tistih najmanj ljubih. Moje vprašanje je tudi, ali bi izbrali zlato ali srebrno. Tudi to je zelo dober podatek, na bolj subtilnem nivoju.

Izbira barv

Zelo pomembno, če ne nujno potrebno, je začutiti posameznikovo energijo. Že z načinom, kako izraža stvari, ki so mu ljube, se sprosti ogromno energije, ki jo ujamem. Oseba takrat dobesedno žari, ko pripoveduje, zato je tako stanje zaželjeno.

To je tisto kar zaznam in je ključno za izdelavo čisto osebne mandale.

Sledijo še tehnične specifike in nato se lotim dela.

Držim se osnovnih naslednjih načel:

  1. Pri izdelavi mandal ne hitim
  2. Povezujem se z energijo osebe
  3. Poslušam navdihujočo glasbo, ki ni njuno, da je meditativna
  4. Mandalo ustvarjam, dokler uživam v procesu. Če ta občutek mine, jo odložim za prihodnjič
  5. Zaznam kako vame prihaja ljubezen, svetloba, sreča, napolnjenost
  6. Zaznam kako mi duša igra
  7. Imam mir v prostoru
  8. Začutim notranji mir
  9. Nikoli ne razmišljam o stvareh, ki jih moram opraviti
  10. Sem v trenutku
  11. Slikam večkrat po malo
  12. Vse tehnične napake pri slikanju se dajo popravit
  13. Ne brskam po telefonu


Nit je bila povezava štirih najmočnejših komponent te osebe. Ponazorila sem jih torej v štirih barvah, ki se ciklično držijo ena druge.

Rdeča pooseblja njegovo srce in strast, modra gore in nebo, zelena naravo in kmetijo, zlata pa njegovo strast do poezije. Vse barve se med seboj povezujejo, z barvnimi pikami v centru vsake posamezne barve, kar predstavlja življenjski cikel.
V vseh zlatih viticah so na koncih skriti simboli z osebnim pomenom.
Celo mandalo obkroža nebesni svod, njegovo vesolje.
Mandala je izdelana kot življenjski kompas, kot notranja navigacija, sploh če jo obrneš tako, da bele pike v vrsti kažejo smeri neba.
Zanimivo je, da vzorec nakazuje tudi metulja in letne čase, kar je opazil tudi novi lastnik.
Mandala bo na steni visela vsakič drugače, saj se jo lahko zasuka za 45° v kateremkoli položaju, glede na počutje.



Personal mandalas are by far the most beautiful and powerful thing I do with all my enthusiasm and passion. This connection with a person on a huge level gives me a whole bunch of feelings, which I summarize in creative work. Such mandala reflects details of an individual’s life, passion, and values. All this I string into creation.

Intentionally I will not explain about the spiritualism of mandalas, but more about the process and subtle elements of creation.

When a person orders a mandala, it is important to feel things that are her/his favorite in life. To connect with her/his soul and heart. Favorite things could be nature, family, animals, traveling, mountains, hobbies, seas, seasons, her/his life mission… and the purpose. In short, the love for something or someone.

Some wish mandala for their home or office space, which does not reflect so much the symbolism of one person, but gives the space special note. Some order family mandala that enriches both energetically and aesthetically.

I also ask about the colors that resonate the most with the person, and the ones that are least loved colors. My question is also whether to choose gold or silver color. This is also very good information, on a more subtle level.

The process of selecting colors

It is very important, if not absolutely necessary, to feel the individual’s energy. Just by the way he expresses things she/he loves, a huge amount of energy is released. A person literally glows when telling a story, so such a state is desirable.

This is what I perceive and is the key to making an exclusive personal mandala.

We also agree to technical specifics and then I get to work.

I stick to the following basic principles:

  1. I don’t rush when making mandalas
  2. I connect with a person’s energy
  3. I listen to inspiring music. Not necessary to be meditative
  4. I create mandala as long as I enjoy the process. If that feeling goes away, I put it off for next time
  5. I feel love, light, happiness, fullness coming into me
  6. I sense my soul singing
  7. I have peace in workspace
  8. I feel inner peace
  9. I never think about the things I have to do
  10. I am in the present moment
  11. I paint step by step, little by little
  12. All technical errors in painting can be corrected
  13. I don’t browse the phone while painting


The aim was the connection of this person’s four strongest components. So I illustrated them in four colors that stick to each other cyclically.

Red embodies his heart and passion, blue the mountains and the sky, green nature and the farm, and gold his passion for poetry. All colors are interconnected, which illustrates his life, with colored dots in the center of each individual color.
In all the golden swirls are hidden symbols with personal meaning. Mandala surrounds represent sky full of stars, so his universe.

It is also made as a life compass, as an internal navigation, especially if you turn it so that the white dots in a row indicate the direction of the sky. Interestingly, the pattern also suggests a butterfly and all 4 seasons, which was also noticed by the new owner.
Mandala will hang on the wall differently each time, as it can be rotated 45 ° in any position, depending on how you feel.

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