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Na tej spletni strani boste našli ustvarjalne ideje za dom in dušo. Govorila bo o iskrivosti, o ljubezeni do ustvarjanja in vsega lepega, kar daje domu osebno noto.
Blog je ustvarjen z željo po delitvi, navdušenju, odkrivanju in spodbudi ter zadovoljstvu pri ustvarjanju.
Včasih se bo našla le kakšna misel, tu in tam kakšno DIY navodilo, zagotovo pa vam bo blog všeč, če ste ljubitelji ‘home’ dekorja, domačih dobrot, okrasitev, dekorativnih rešitev, če radi kaj enostavnega zašijete, kaj lepega narišete ali pa dobite idejo za čudovito darilo.
Pišem in ustvarjam: Tina Šnuderl
I created this website to show you creative ideas for home and soul. It will talk about love for creativity and all the beauty, that gives personal touch to your home.
My blog is made with the desire to share the enthusiasm and pleasure, which comes, when you start creating.
Sometimes I will write just a single thought, here and then I will share DIY instructions …
I’m sure you will like it, especially if you love home decor, decoration, homemade goodies or if you plan to sew something simple, draw something beautiful or you simply need an idea for a wonderful gift.
Writes and creates: Tina Šnuderl