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Prvega sem kupila. Po dveh letih pa smo se že vsi grebli zanj. In ko sem bila na tem, da kupim novega, se je vsula kopica želja, kakšnega bi izbrali. Takrat sem dobila idejo, da pladenj z blazinico izdelam kar sama. Po naših zamislih.
Tile pladnji so luštna potuha za običajno sedenje za mizo. Govorim o zajtrku v postelji, kofetkanju ali čajčkanju na kavču, na terasi, balkonu, tudi na vrt ga lahko odnesete. Prav lepo gre zraven h grickanju čipsa in oreščkov pred televizorjem. Meni se največkrat obnese kot podstavek za laptop na balkonu ali kavču. Nekoč pa sem nekoga z laptopom na takem pladnju, videla tudi na letalu.
Pladnji so precej stabilni. Blazinica se prav lepo prilega nogam v naročju, pravzaprav se prilega na večino podlag, saj je polnjena s stiropornimi kroglicami.
Lahko se jih izdela s osebnim sporočilom, rekom ali podobo, še posebno, če ga izdelate za darilo.
Prav veliko dela z njim ni; rabite le malo spretnosti v šivanju, okvir in steklo (30×40 cm) lahko kupite, pod steklo pa postavite list papirja s svojim sporočilom ali sliko.
Veliko brezskrbnih užitkov!
Serving Pillow Tray for Hedonists
I bought the first one. After two years we were all fighting for it. When I was about to buy a new one, a whole set of wishes came out. At that time, I got the idea to make tray with a pillow myself, according to our ideas and wishes.
These trays are sweet substitution for a normal sitting in front of the table. I’m talking about breakfast in bed, drinking coffee & tea on a couch, terrace, balcony… You can even take it on the garden. Enjoyfull moments can be spent having snack in front of the TV, as well. Most often I use it as a laptop base on the balcony or sofa. Once I saw someone on the plane with a laptop on such a tray.
The pillow fits nicely on a lap, it actually fits on most of bases as it’s filled with styrofoam balls. That’s why tray remains stable.
Serving trays can be made with a personal message, quote or image, especially if it is made for a gift.
There is not much work with creating them by yourself; you only need a little sewing skills. Buy a frame fitting covering glass (30×40 cm) and place a sheet of paper under the glass with your message or picture.
Wishing you enjoyfull, carefree moments!